Welcome to mywebsite

About Me

Hi, this is Ondřej Pavela speaking, a Software Engineer based in Prague, Czech Republic 👋

I like building stuff and learning new things. Heck, I am even passionate™️! This website is an attempt to share my thoughts and experiences with you through my writing which I've been told by numerous YouTube experts to be good for my brain, apparently.

This is a bit of an escape and a change of pace from my regular day-to-day work at Pure Storage where I build super-duper important stuff that will eventually definitely disrupt the industry, change the world and [corporate catchphrases]... On a more serious note, I would like this to be my creative outlet where I can try out different things I haven't done before and see where it takes me. Since I'm still a Software Engineer who's glued to his laptop's screen most of the time, the current plan is to take a shot at this hot new #buildinpublic thing and see how it goes.

Hope to see you around!